영어연극대본(아기돼지 삼형제 영어대본)
영어연극대본(아기돼지 삼형제 영어대본) - 영어연극, 영어연극대본, 영어대본
발표주제 : 각 단원별로 배운 단어를 사용하여 영어대본을 완성하고 영어연극을 한다.
제목 : 아기돼지 삼형제(영어대본)
발표일 : 2011년 4월 18일(월) 15:00
소요인원 : 총 4명, 아기돼지1(1인), 아기돼지2(1인), 아기돼지3 / 나레이션(1인), 늑대 / 엄마돼지(1인)
소요시간 : 약 7 ~ 9분
내 역할 : 아기돼지3 / 나레이션
[(영어연극대본)The Three little pigs. - 사진출저 : flikr.com]
이번 영어연극 대본은 교양 3학점 짜리, 영어회화3 중간고사 연극이다.
나름 열심히 준비한 만큼 좋은 결과가 나올 것이라고 믿는다.
처음에는 별로 하기 싫었지만, 이상하게 연기를 할 수록, 사람들이 친해지면서 더 재미있어졌다고 할까?
그동안 무성의하고 무미건조하게 영어회화 수업을 들었다면,
이번 중간고사를 기준으로 적극적인 모습으로 다시 바뀌어야겠다.
준비시간도 짧고하여, 쉬운 단어와 짧은 문장으로만 구성되다보니, 아마 초등학교 연극에 사용되면 좋을듯 하다.
[The Three Little Pigs]
N: In the forest, there is a pig family. Mother pig lived with her three sons.
One day, She decided to let her sons live themselves.
(action all - 밥먹는 시늉)
M : How was today? anything special?
P1: Well... I went
M : Sons, you have grown up. You guys must go and make a house to live.
But, you guys have to be careful.
From the horse's mouth, these days lots of wolves appeared, do you know what I mean?
P1 : Don`t worry, mom, It is easy. I have some straws, so I can make a house quickly.
P2 : I will make a house very quickly too.
I will get some wood and make a stronger house than yours.
P3 : Hold your horses, Bros. I`m bitterly opposed to you guy's opinions.
Straw and wood are not strong enough to block wolves.
I will get some bricks and make the strongest house.
(action P1/P2 - 깝죽대기)
P1 : I have finished! what a nice house~. I think my house is the best one. Are they still building?
(action P1 - 독백연기 살려서. 마지막 문장 말하면서 자연스럽게 둘째네 집으로)
P1 : Hey, are u still working? too~ late.
(action P1 - 비아냥비아냥, 도와줄 생각없음)
P2 : Almost done, almost done.
Yes, It's done. looks nice~. How's your house?
(action P2 - 땀닦는 시늉과 함께 한숨쉬며..)
P1 : Just better than ur house. But, I think your house is not too bad.
(action P1/P2 - 하이파이브)
P2 : well.., why don't we go check the brick house? I think he cannot make it quickly.
P1 : yes, he is always the latest, let's check!
(action P1/P2 - 셋째 집으로 이동)
P2 : hey, bro. are u still under the construction? what did u do?
P3 : oh, my bros. it's not that easy to make a strong house. I am tired.
P1 : can we help u?
P3 : really? oh.. u guys are so kind! thank you my bros~. ㅠ.ㅠ
P2 : kk, stupid. it's lie~ hurry up! hahahahaha!!!
(action P1/P2 - P3을 조롱하며 퇴장)
P3 : (action P3 - 시무룩) it's not funny at all.. anyway.. I have finished too~
(action P3 - 기지개 펴면서 앞으로 입장하면서 나레이션)
N : The three little pigs made their own house and they are very happy.
But the wolf came along the road.
P1 : I smell a rat. who is there?
W : Hey, Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in.
P1 : I'll never open the door. Go away stupid wolf.
W : No I will not. I have the power enough to break your house.
P1 : I'll never lose my composure.
N : So the wolf blows the house easily.
(action W - wind blowing)
P1 : Oh no, oh no. Where's my house? My straw house is going to the dogs. I have to run.
[(영어연극대본)The Three little pigs. - 사진출저 : flikr.com]
N : The first little pig runs to the house of the second little pig.
(action P1 - stomping feet) / knock
P1 : My bother help me help me. The wolf destroied my house. He is chasing me.
P2 : Come here. This house will save us, from the wolves.
W : There're two now. Kill two birds with one stone.
Hey guys open the door, stupid pigs.
P2 : Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!
W : That's so cute. ha ha ha. I will destroy again.
P2 : Do it. Do it.
N : So the wolf blows the house in.
(action W - wind blowing)
(action W - break the 2nd house.)
P2 : OMG, What can we do?
P1 : let's go to his house.
(action P1/P2 도망가고 W 따라간다.)
N : Now the wolf comes to the house of the third little pig.
(action P1/P2 knocking)
P2 : My little brother. help us. Wolf is coming. Open the door.
P3 : Hey, come in, hurry up.
W : Oh there are three now. Sounds good.
P1 : He will blow this house.
P2 : There is no place to run away.
P3 : Don`t be scared. This solid house made of bricks.
You can`t never break my house. come on~
W : oh yeah? I'll show you how I can break your house.
(action W - wind blowing / blocking)
N : The wolf cannot blow in the house of the third little pig.
W : This is too strong. Hmm. Let me see.
(action W - 다른곳으로 간다.)
P1 : Yes, He is gone. It serves you right.
P2 : We are alive. I thought I can't never meet my mother, again.
(actionW - 지붕위로 올라간다.)
W : What a clever little pig. But I`m skinny enough to pass through the chimney.
I'll go down there. Ha, ha, ha!
[(영어연극대본)The Three little pigs. - 사진출저 : flikr.com]
P1 : Look at that. brothers look at that.
P3 : What's the matter? Is he still there?
P2 : He will come here though the chimney.
P3 : calm down, calm down. Bros believe me. I have a plan.
(action P3 - big pot에 hot soup을 붓는다.)
W : OMG. It's too hot. Help me ahhhh.
(action W - 도망가기)
P3 : Did you guys see his face? Look like very painful.
P1 : Now we are out of danger. We are safe. yeah~
P2 : Thank you brother. You have saved us. You are very clever.
P3 : No problem. We must help each other. We are brothers!
P1 : Yes, yes. We are brothers.
W: The three little pigs are so happy. They dance and sing in the house. No one sees the wolf again.
The three pigs live in the bricks house happily together.